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EA SPORTS F1 24 Tyre Allocation Tips

Before each race within EA SPORTS F1 24, there is a tyre allocation screen, and it’s an often overlooked menu that you should pay particular attention to - especially if you are running longer races. If you are simply running a five-10 lap affair, then there’s every chance you have skipped this menu quicker than a Charles Leclerc pole lap. But if you are partaking in a full virtual race weekend, tyre allocation could be critical to your success.

Written by teams at
EA SPORTS F1 24 Tyre Allocation Tips
Written by the teams at

Tyre Allocation Rules

Aping real-world Formula 1, the F1 24 game will allocate to you 13 tyres for a race weekend. These are divided into three compounds":

  • Soft (red)
  • Medium (yellow)
  • Hard (white)

The soft tyres will provide the most grip, but will also wear the quickest - so use for short stints and qualifying. The hards provide the least grip, so will be slowest, but wear the slowest too, whereas the medium, predictably, is in the middle.

During a dry race, you must use at least two types of tyre compound, although which combination is entirely up to you. If it rains, however, this rule is scrapped - a wet weekend sees the allocation of five intermediate and two wet tyres.

Three Types of Allocation

In F1 24, ahead of a race weekend, you can select from three types of allocation, each providing the same number of each compound.

The difference between each is when each compound will be used:

  • Softer - A greater number of red soft tyres in Q1 and Q2, due to not using softs during the first practice at all
  • Balanced - A medium tyre as part of the Q2 allocation, and a soft in first practice
  • Harder - A hard tyre is allocated to Q2, and a medium in Q1, a soft for the first practice

When the race starts, irrespective of your qualifying position, you can start with whichever tyre you’d like in your allocation.

After each practice session, the overall allocation of available tyres reduces as two sets must be returned to the FIA. This means you will have seven sets left for qualifying and the race.

One set of softs must be kept for a possible Q3 appearance, and returned tyres will be marked with the ‘rotating arrow’ icon in-game.

Should you experience dry, or damp practice, and then mid-race it starts to rain heavily, the tyre allocation to that point does not apply, as you will have at least one set of wet tyres in reserve.

If the full-length weekend structure is wet, as you are only allocated two sets of wet tyres, the game will lock one set from use during practice. The wet tyre is durable, so it could go most, if not all, of an entire race without needing to be replaced.

Tyre Wear Across the Weekend

One important note - try not to use all of your medium tyres up in practice or qualifying. These are, more often or not, the ideal tyres to race with in F1 24. Use several sets up in practice, or qualifying, and then you may be forced to out on either a part-worn set or even the hard tyre during the race.

That may work out for you, but it doesn’t leave you with an optimal race strategy.

Written by the teams at trophi.ai and Traxion.GG.

Last Updated
February 11, 2025

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